Friends of Oakdown Trust

The Friends of Oakdown Trust is a registered charity, founded over 30 years ago by a dedicated group of relatives to raise funds to provide extra support for our residents that they wouldn’t otherwise have access to.

Since fundraising began the Friends have raised and donated over £100,000 in sensory, musical instruments and gardening equipment as well as diverse, accessible entertainment.

A big achievement for a little charity!

More recently they set & achieved their most ambitious ever fund-raising goal yet to install a hydrotherapy pool at Oakdown House. The pool was opened in 2022 and this amazing facility enables the residents’ access to a truly wonderful on-site sensory experience. The swim jets help the more able with exercise and the warm water jets & LED lighting provide a safe & sensory environment for gentle physio and stretching exercises, for those less able.

The next big fundraising drive for the Trust will be to install an all-weather enclosure & over-head tracking hoist, so it becomes a truly year-round facility for the residents.

If you would like to support the Friends of Oakdown Trust or make a donation please contact the charity treasurer, Barbara Kingham, at

We ask our donors to kindly fill in a Gift Aid tax relief form when making any donation to the Trust, as we are then able to claim back 25% in tax relief on top of your donation. Every penny counts!

Friends of Oakdown Trust, Reg. Charity no. 1082220

Contact Us

If you would like more information, or to find out about current vacancies then please contact the registered manager.

Oakdown House
Niki Butcher
01435 883492

Carricks Brook
Tina O’Callaghan
01435 831179

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